Role: Eddie Yaeger
Theater: Masquers Playhouse
Director: Dennis Lickteig
Music Director: Joanne Gable
Opening: November 7th, 2008
Photos: N/A
Years before we did Anyone Can Whistle at Masquers, Dennis had the opportunity to direct this other rarely-done, tough-to-make-work Rodgers & Sondheim show. The material has gone through a few different iterations, from a large musical with a big chorus to a chamber show with no chorus. In our version, we restored the original lyrics to Eddie & Jennifer’s duet “We’re Gonna Be All Right.” As Eddie, I also really loved singing the song “Bargaining,” which had been cut from the material but we restored it to where the moment comes in the original Arthur Laurents play that the show is based on, The Time of the Cuckoo.